
I dunno about this one. There are lots of really cool ghosts and strange characters, and the story itself is pretty compelling, but we have another situation like "Folklore" where the presentation is just terrible. Now it's not anywhere near as bad as it is in "Folklore", but lots of pages feel cluttered and hard to follow and it's difficult to understand what's happening a lot of the time.

I think the characters are probably my favorite part of this comic, they're all fascinating. It's a perfect example of Aaron Ehaz's famous lesson about how a character doesn't need to be "likeable", "relateable" or "sympathetic" to be a good character - those things are results, not causes. Even though Maxine and Henderson are the 'heroes', they're terrible people. They exploit corruption wherever they can, recklessly endanger the lives and property of others, and frequently make poor decisions. What makes it all work is that instead of wasting time on whining or pity parties, the cruelty of the world they live in continues to force them to take new actions whether they want to or not. That's much more interesting than the constant self-deprecation found in a lot of similar characters. There are no 'good guys' or 'bad guys' in A Ghost Story, only actors in the grand stage of life.

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